World Series Splatball
All Session include Unlimited Ammo + Unlimited Lives! The average player will use 350 - 400 paintballs in one session.... how quick is your trigger finger?
All Games Include:

(everything required to play)

A deposit of $15 per player is collected when booking, the balance is then paid on the day. Prices are based on players who attend your party on the day.
Quick Links...
Are there any age restrictions?
Splatball is recommend for ages 8+. If you have any players that are just under 8 wishing to play we recommend having parents play as well to ensure they are comfortable on the field and assist with loading the gunsif needed. There is no maximum age to play splatball.
Can adults join in with their kids games?
Yes, parents are welcome to join in as well, although you may find yourself an easy target!
Can I add players to my booking?
Yes, if you are looking to add 1 or 2 players you can generally just do that on the day. If you need to add more than a couple of players you can either use the link in the confirmation email or call us on 1300 66 16 50.
Can I cancel players from my booking?
Yes, if you cancelling your entire booking then you need to advise us at least 10 days prior to playing by calling 1300 66 16 50 and you will receive a full refund. If you just need to revise your player numbers you can make minor changes of 2-3 players until the Wednesday prior to playing. We email all groups the Monday prior to playing with a link to use to update your numbers.